


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Fan's Reaction; Scott Hall Arrested for Beating His Girlfriend

Scott Hall, who performed for Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Entertainment company under the name Razor Ramon in the mid 90s, was arrested once again. The one- time former Intercontinental Champion was arrested Friday for allegedly choking his girlfriend. The girlfriend confirms that Scott Hall was in a drunken state when he got in the physical altercation with her.

This news comes as a sad reminder of Scott Hall's personal battle with drugs and alcohol. It was reported several weeks ago that Hall had been released from a WWE sponsored rehab program. It had also been rumored that he was visiting his son at a local wrestling school.

For those unfamiliar with the drama regarding Scott Hall, his history is unfortunate. Late last year the once towering superstar was the subject of a critically acclaimed documentary on ESPN. The 15 minute segment gave viewers an intimate observation into the life of Scott Hall.

In the documentary, the legend of the squared circle confesses to killing a man in self-defense in the mid 80s. Hall was acquitted of charges, but the guilt from that incident seeped into his conscience, and added to the stress of his hectic everyday life. When Scott Hall became an active full-time wrestler for the WWE, his drug habits only got worse. The documentary also shows Hall recalling a story of him and Shawn Michaels popping pills in a hotel room until they passed out completely.

For long time wrestling fans, the report of Scott Hall getting arrested comes as no surprise. Unfortunately, he has been in the position many times before. In addition to getting arrested, Scott Hall was admitted to a Rhode Island hospital in April 2011 after overdosing on prescription medications. Hall had just performed at a local wrestling event before being hospitalized.

In the last several years, Scott Hall has complete rehab numerous times, each at the expense of World Wrestling Entertainment. But no 30 day program has benefited the fallen hero. It's time for friends to step up and take drastic measures to save the life of Scott Hall. In my opinion, Hall needs to be admitted for a full psychiatric evaluation and will need 24 hour supervision. The man has gone through a lot of emotional turmoil and needs long term rehab, not a quick fix.


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